Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"I've got peace in my heart, I've got peace in my soul, wherever I'm going, I'm already home."

I've never been one to just be okay at something I've done. I don't necessarily want to be the best, but I want to be the best that I can be. Sounds cheesy, but whatever. I've always pushed myself to do well in school (okay not so much right now, I have the worst case of senioritis ever), I always pushed myself to do better than I did the day before, even if that meant I just sucked a little less (high school swim team anyone??), and I've always taken pride in my work and tried to go above and beyond.

When I first made a twitter account (follow me @demanda_please ), one of the sites that I was suggested to follow was @Good. It's also my favorite website, and I can literally spend hours reading all their articles ( Every month they have a 30 Days of Good challenge where they post a mini challenge every day and each month has a theme. I try to follow them as best I can, but sometimes it's just too late by the time I see it and I've already eaten half a pizza for breakfast.

The main point of this is that it makes me take time out of my day to think about how I can make myself better. I still try to do some of the past little challenges, in addition to the new ones, and I make my own. I try to think of one aspect of my life that I want to improve on and I think of a little way I can make that happen for every day of the week. Sometimes I don't make it the whole week, but the point is to try. I just want to improve my life a little bit everyday.

I think a lot of people put too much pressure on themselves to be the best. You cannot be the best at everything, all the time. It's impossible, and it's silly to think you can. But you can be the best version of yourself, so that's what I want to do. I've been so much happier since making these little changes, and my attitude and outlook has changed dramatically. Now I keep a little book of my goals and challenges and good quotes that I see or hear (mostly from Harry Potter or Jason Mraz haha) or just random ideas that pop into my head, a kind of journal I guess. Being happy is a huge part of being healthy. I truly believe that having a good attitude is the way to get through anything. So no recipe for you today, just some inspiration to be better. Have a good night everyone!! :)

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