I started researching studios in my area to try anyway, and I found one that is literally right down the street. I got a free week for going to an orientation, but after my tour, I was hooked. I signed up that day. I took my first class that day, hot pilates. It was 95 degrees and 40 percent humidity in the room. I had never been so sweaty in my life. I've gone almost every day since I signed up. Eight classes in nine days! (I'm pretty proud of myself.) It's pretty expensive so it motivates me to go more and not waste my money.
I try not to force my beliefs on other people because I know how annoying that can be, but when I start talking about hot yoga, I get a little preachy (sorry Danielle). It just makes me feel so great, I want everyone else to feel this way too.
I was happy to see that there were a lot of beginners and people even more inexperienced than me taking the classes, so I don't feel like anyone is being judgmental at all. There are classes for every level of experience.
What I really love about this place is the variety I get. Bikram yoga has become really popular recently, but not all hot yoga is Bikram. Bikram is a specific set of 26 positions that is the same no matter where you take a class in the world, and it is done in a hot room. That sounded boring to me, so the place I go has all kinds of different classes like pilates, kettlebells and bootcamp classes, and also a yoga class similar to the Bikram routine, all done in hot rooms. They even have running classes a couple times a week.
I love how I feel after the classes. I feel energized, purified, and seriously sweaty (everyday I think "There's no way I can be as sweaty as yesterday, and everyday I'm wrong). I already see and feel a difference with my body. I feel stronger, and I feel like I get a good workout without being super sore the next day. It gives you long lean muscles and great abs. It also made me much more flexible. ;)
Awhile ago, I read that yoga is directly related to mindful eating, and I've noticed that with myself. I don't want to stuff my face with crap after I work out, I would rather fuel myself with healthy foods and nutrients. My new obsession is coconut water. I tried it before and thought it was repulsive, but then I had fresh coconut water, and I can't get enough. It's super important to stay hydrated during and after these classes, so I refill my water about 3 times and drink one of these!
So yummy!
By the way, I'm still running and working out conventionally, just supplementing with yoga and pilates. I feel like if I'm going to be a hippie, I might as well dive right in. My experience has been so amazing, I can't wait to keep going to classes and feel the transformation in the next few months. It's really fun to feel myself push a little harder and stretch a little further with each class. I always feel so accomplished after. So if you haven't tried hot yoga yet, you should! Namaste :)
Thanks for the shout out. That wasnt preachy at all. Love you!