Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hey guess who's back!?


Me :)

It's a new year which means review last year and figure out how this year is going to be better. Let me just say, 2013 was filled with some highs and some lows. I have mixed feelings about this year, especially today because it is exactly six months since we lost such a sweet kid and part of our family. But I am thankful to have had him in my life and to celebrate his. <3

A new year is always filled with resolutions and people wanting to get healthier. And I am no different. However, my resolution is not just for myself, but for you too! I have many resolutions, but the one I know I can and will stick to is to not let this blog disappear for months again. I promise to update at least once a week from now on.

I definitely fell off the healthy wagon this year. Uh, by the way, I'm not a vegetarian anymore. Oops. Also, I haven't really been cooking very much. I got a little part time job or something like that, so I have been really busy. Not that that's an excuse. And by the time I get home from working all day, I'm so tired that I haven't been working out either. So basically my healthy life is nonexistent. I think everyone gets off track every once in awhile, but this is OUT OF CONTROL.

Anyway, I have a plan to make sure that 2014 is healthier and happier than 2013. Here are my resolutions and how I plan on keeping them.

1. Keep up with my blog. I'll be accomplishing this by setting aside Saturday afternoons to write a post. I don't usually tutor on Saturdays so I should have extra time to get this done. I also have a little list in my phone of ideas to write about whenever inspiration strikes me.

2. Make sure I eat healthy meals. The hardest part of this is not being prepared when I'm running around all day and I'm not home for 15 hours at a time. So I need to work on having something with me all the time, so I don't have to stop and buy something crappy. I do have stuff that I make in bulk and freeze, but I am not so good at bringing it with me. I just need to work on getting it ready the night before and always having something healthy. Plus I got the most amazing kitchen gadgets to motivate me to make healthy stuff.

3. Get some kind of exercise 5 times a week. This goes back to being prepared. Making sure I have my gym bag with me everyday will make me more likely to hit the gym or yoga on my way home. Even if I don't make it to the gym, just going for a run, or doing a simple workout at home would suffice. And now that it's warming up a little, I might be a little more willing to go for a jog.

4. Create a budget and actually stick to it. I don't just need to get my body healthy, but my bank account to. It's been sick for awhile now. Now that I'm writing these out, I'm sensing a trend. I need to work on preparedness. Stopping every day to buy food is not doing good things for my wallet. I've written out a budget and I need to make sure I pay my bills right when I get paid and make saving another mandatory bill.

5. Be more positive. I find myself being a whiny, complainy bitch sometimes, and that just needs to stop. Looking at the glass half full will make me and the people around me much happier. So this year, I'm going to make a conscious decision of the words that I choose and try to see the good things more clearly.

I think five is plenty of resolutions to have and hopefully it will help other parts of my life to fall together as well. What are your resolutions? What do you want to do this year? Let me know and also if you have anything you'd like me to write about!

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